Contact Information

6801 Brookfield Road
Columbia, South Carolina 29206

Friday, October 28, 2016

NASA Family Night Nov. 3

Forest Lake Elementary School
NASA Family Night “World Space Week”
Sponsored by PTO

Thursday, November 3, 2016
5:15 pm – 7:00 pm
Dinner and Bake Sale in the Cafeteria
Free ongoing activities for families throughout the school
Chorus performance and PTO meeting at 6:40 pm

Please join us for an evening of food, fun, learning and shopping!

Dinner ~ Pizza, Salad, and a drink
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FLE NASA Family Night November 3, 2016

Dinner served 5:15 pm until 6:30 pm
Dinner Ticket in advance - $5.00 At the door - $6.00
(tickets purchased for original night 10/6 can still be used)

Child’s Name _____________________________Grade ____Teacher ____________
Number of tickets __________ Total amount enclosed $______________
Make checks payable to Forest Lake
and include your phone number on the check.