Contact Information

6801 Brookfield Road
Columbia, South Carolina 29206

Friday, September 2, 2016

Forest Lake Elementary 

School Improvement Council

The Forest Lake Elementary School Improvement Council invites you to be an active member of this committee.  The mission of the School Improvement Council, in partnership with families and the community, provides a safe, nurturing environment for the growth and development of young children through a curriculum that demands academic excellence, encourages positive self esteem and promotes responsible citizenship.  The purpose of the SIC will be to assist the school in meeting its objectives, assist in the preparation of the five year plan, and the annual update required to assist in the development and monitoring of school improvement and innovation. 

 The School Improvement Council sends an Annual School Summary Report to parents each year.  The report also is given to prospective parents and remains available in the school office through the year.  The SIC also provides additional assistance that the principal may request as well as carrying out any other duties prescribed by the Richland District Two School Board.

Forest Lake School Improvement Council (SIC) is made up of an elected and appointed membership that includes parents, teachers, administrators, and community representatives.  Parents/guardians of students are invited to submit their name(s) for election.  NOMINATIONS can be submitted online or sent to your child's homeroom teacher. 
Completed self-nomination forms are due by

 Wednesday, September 7, 2016.